Together, we canReconnect, so that weUnderstand our true power, andSurrender our fear to theTruth of Universal love and compassion.Turbulent and tumultuous times, such as we are experiencing at present, can send many of us into feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, stress and fear.When things are not going our way, the way…
Tuesday, 07 April 2020 15:05

When we get to the heart of things

The times, they are certainly changing.And exceptionally fast.Although, I guess that all depends on your how you are perceiving the current challenge we are all facing. The corona virus pandemic. EEEEEKKK!Some of us are wallowing in the victim hood of “this is the worst thing that could happen in this…
Friday, 20 March 2020 11:46

The times, they are a changing……

The fires have come, ravaged the earth, left massive destruction in their path, and nearly gone. They have also delivered infinite potential. (Depending on your perspective.)         And just as we felt the ray of hope shine more brightly, we are given another challenge, for many, a much greater challenge…
Parents and teachers throughout the centuries have often relied on routine and rhythm to create a sense of calm and control in children in their homes and classrooms. Whilst I do not advocate ruling with the iron-fist, I do strongly believe in creating peace and harmony and feelings of safety…
Tuesday, 20 August 2019 13:51

Creating a safer world for children

Many people tell me that when they were younger, the world felt safer. (Depending on their age of-course.) Many people tell me that when they were younger, the world was a much better place - 20, 30, 40 years ago. (Depending on their life circumstances of-course.) My father’n law often…
I believe that within each of us, (well let’s say 98% of us), lies the biggest bully in the world. Does the biggest bully in the world reside within you? I’ll let you decide…. Most of us are brought up to be supercritical of ourselves, overly concerned about what others…
Meaning: (as seen on 1.      possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done 2.      possession of controlling influence Is the word POWER a positive word in your vocabulary? Or is it a word that makes you shrink inside? Was power wielded over…
When you were growing up, did you meet the biggest bully in the world? Many of us did, in one form or another. Was it a bully in the shape of another child, a group of children, a teacher, an adult or a person in a position of power? Or…
What is physical intelligence and how can you use it to bust the bully in your child’s life?   Physical Intelligence is a powerful wisdom.  It is a wealth of knowledge often buried deep within us and our children, and it often remains hidden, unseen and its infinite potential, more…
(Or how to “Bust The Bully” in Your Child’s Life.)      Sometimes, life just seems “really hard”. So hard, that you might wonder if there is an easier way.      An easier way than struggling, pushing and “making life happen.” An easier way to keep your child safe from the…
Thursday, 31 January 2019 15:05

I was only 19

My heart was filled with a passion for teaching.      A passion for becoming an inspired and inspiring primary teacher that made a difference in the lives of children and their families. And whilst I was not entirely clear on how I would do that, (other than teaching in a…
Monday, 07 January 2019 15:27

Dear dear friend

To my dear friend, Thank you. Thank you for being in this world. Thank you for shining your light.  For shining your light for those around you, for showing us that there is hope, for showing us that there still is goodness and love in the world. Amidst the fear,…
Wednesday, 02 January 2019 15:00

When it feels like someone is pushing you away

 When it feels like someone is pushing you away… (or how to begin to bust the bully in your life with ease and grace.)      One of the best pieces of advice I was given quite some years ago, didn’t make much sense for ages. Perhaps thirty years ago.     …
Monday, 10 December 2018 10:51

I Don’t Have A Choice……

As we wander through life, navigating the twists, turns and both the smooth and bumpy bits of living, sometimes we are given the opportunity to notice “the signs.” To be “aware.” Yesterday, I was given just that.  The opportunity to practice awareness. The meaning of awareness? The Merriam-Webster dictionary states…
Science now reveals how tapping into your inner wisdom helps you shift from your current and potentially harmful perspective to an inspired, creative and powerful one. Studies disclose that you can build your personal strengths by tapping into the “invisible wisdom within.”It starts in your heart.It’s such a simple process.…